When you eat foods that don't combine correctly, the digestive system gets mixed signals about which digestive juices and enzymes to release. Food
remains in the digestive tract longer than it should, and it starts fermenting. This produces sugars that feed yeast and parasites, and further weakens the
digestive tract and immune system. The rotting food becomes poison, polluting the ecology of your inner world. As the stagnant food builds up on the
walls of the digestive tract, it forms a landscape that only viruses, cancer cells, and parasites can tolerate, just as rats and other scavengers live off city
landfills and industrial-waste sites. Proper food combining greatly reduces gas, bloating and excess weight. It is essential for establishing a clean,
efficient internal environment.
remains in the digestive tract longer than it should, and it starts fermenting. This produces sugars that feed yeast and parasites, and further weakens the
digestive tract and immune system. The rotting food becomes poison, polluting the ecology of your inner world. As the stagnant food builds up on the
walls of the digestive tract, it forms a landscape that only viruses, cancer cells, and parasites can tolerate, just as rats and other scavengers live off city
landfills and industrial-waste sites. Proper food combining greatly reduces gas, bloating and excess weight. It is essential for establishing a clean,
efficient internal environment.